The mountains of Swedish Lapland are a spectacular area for dog sledding. The majestic landscape provides the ideal backdrop for a real Arctic dog sledding adventure. Husky Mountain Expedition in Lapland is an 8-day dogsled tour taking you through some of Sweden\'s most beautiful natural landscapes, from the lakeside landscape of Abisko and up into the mountains along the King\'s Trail to the mighty Kebnekaise, Sweden\'s highest peak. Your dogsled adventure begins at the kennels, where you will meet your team learn how to handle the sled and dogs before heading out into the wilderness in command of your own team of Siberian Huskies to get accustomed to your team and equipment in a lowland landscape of forest, frozen lakes and rivers, before heading to Abisko and up into the mountains towards the challenging Tjäkta pass, the highest point on the trail at 1100m. From here you descend through a stunning mountain landscape towards Kebnekaise to end at Nikkaluokta, where you will be met for return transfer to the dogsled kennels. For part of your husky tour you will be following the world-famous Kungsleden, or King\'s Trail. The King\'s Trail is one of Sweden\'s best-known long-distance hiking trails in summer and is also ideal for dog sledding and ski touring in the winter. Each night you will stop at one of the cabins along the way, which offer accommodation of simple but comfortable and cosy standard. After seeing to the needs of the dogs each evening, you will retire to the warmth of the cabins for dinner and a chance to reflect on the day\'s dog sledding adventures. There are also wood-fired sauna facilities at some of the overnight stops - a wonderful way to relax after a hard day\'s mushing! You will find that you quickly gain confidence in handling the sled as your mushing skills develop. You will be working very closely with your team of Siberian Huskies as you journey through the wilderness together, and should find that you have made some firm friends by the end of your time dog sledding in the mountains. Husky Mountain Expedition in Lapland is a tremendously exciting dog sledding adventure. It is a challenging but immensely rewarding experience to mush your own dogsled team through the Swedish winter landscape. As a mountain dog sledding expedition, some aspects of the route can be physically demanding, but this husky tour is accessible to anyone with a general good level of health and fitness who loves the outdoors and the unique beauty of the Arctic winter world.