
Very warm, dusty and dry weather is expected to prevail on Saturday and temperatures are anticipated to rise, approaching 9 degrees Celsius above seasonal average, said Palestine Meteorological Department.

There is a chance of scattered rain showers, especially in the evening and night. Winds are southeasterly to southwesterly slight to moderate. Sea waves are low.

Partly cloudy, relatively hot and dusty skies are expected to prevail on Sunday and temperatures are anticipated to significantly drop, yet remaining 5 degrees Celsius higher than seasonal average. Scattered light rains might later develop in evening.

Partially cloudy weather is expected to prevail on Monday and temperature is anticipated to further drop by 3 degrees Celsius. Scattered rain showers might later develop during night.

Temperatures are anticipated to significantly drop on Tuesday, approaching 4 degrees Celsius lower than seasonal average with partly cloudy to cloudy skies. Rain showers are expected to fall and later develop into steady light rains.