A Web site of the University of Michigan's many hospitals and health centers provides data on patient safety and survey information, hospital officials say. The Web site provides a wealth of data on the quality and safety of University of Michigan care, as well as survey data that asked recent patients their opinion of care they received at University Hospital, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital, the University of Michigan Emergency Department and University of Michigan outpatient clinics. "We're working to be the safest health system in the country and to create the ideal patient care experience," Dr. Darrell Campbell Jr., chief medical officer for the University Hospitals & Health Centers unit of University of Michigan Health Systems and an assistant dean of the University of Michigan Medical School says in a statement. "This site at www.UofMHealth.org/Quality  shows everyone how we're doing. We hope it will demonstrate our commitment to excellence in quality of care and service." The Web site goes far beyond other sites that offer hospital and outpatient care data to the public or are more up-to-date than that found on sites maintained by government agencies or health organizations, Campbell says. Copyright 2011 United Press International, Inc. (UPI). Any reproduction, republication, redistribution and/or modification of any UPI content is expressly prohibited without UPI's prior written consent.