A Russian woman

A Russian woman has been charged in absentia in court for putting the life of two other women at risk during a road rage incident.
The Court of First Instance heard that the 47-year-old runaway accused drove recklessly on May 24, 2016, in Palm Jumeirah and then blocked the road to assault the driver of the other vehicle and made an indecent act in public by flashing her middle finger.
The complainant, a 41-year-old American training coach, said she was driving her car and her friend was with her. "It was around 9pm and we were on the road in Palm Jumeirah. The accused was changing lanes constantly in a way that would confuse other drivers. At one point, she swerved in front of me and blocked my way. I alerted her with the horn and she moved. But she overtook me and drove in front of me while applying the brakes suddenly several times to provoke me. She then stopped her car ahead of me."
The complainant said the accused stepped off and came to her while verbally abusing her. "She assaulted me and flashed her middle finger. A woman, who was with the defendant, came and said she was sorry for her behaviour and that the accused was drunk."