Because when it comes to arguments, sometimes you just have to be the stronger person. Here\'s how. One of the most difficult issues in life is realising that you’re not always going to want exactly the same thing as the next person at exactly the same time. So, to keep things running smoothly –and without holding grudges – you have to learn to master the art of compromise. In relationships, here’s how it is done: Open up and speak We\'ve said it over and over and over again. When it comes to maintaining a healthy and happy relationship, communication is key. It\'s also the first step to compromise. Lay it out – that is, if something is bothering you, don’t be afraid to talk about it. If you don’t, the issue will only (whether it be money, relationship expectations or even his annoying penchant to leave his clothes on the floor) will only fester. Listen to one another Just as much as you need to be heard, so does he. If you’re after something or if you’re against something, explain your reasons and then give him a chance to do the same. Don\'t dismiss his points of view merely because they contradict your own. This is where empathy comes into play. Take the opportunity to see things from his side – who knows, you may be surprised by the wisdom therein. Don’t get angry Remain calm and don’t allow your emotions to overwhelm the situation and make you think, speak or act irrationally. And avoid using phrases like “You never…” or “You always…” Blurting out these phrases will take the focus away from the current discussion, and bring the past – stuff you’ve probably forgiven already – into the conversation. Bad move. It’s not a battle Or at least, it shouldn’t be. Compromising isn’t at all about winning or losing. It’s more about a give and take, and there ought to be a balance. If your needs are always being met while his are not (or vice-versa), then it’s time to re-evaluate your relationship.