young Moroccan singer, Iman Karkibou

The young Moroccan singer, Iman Karkibou, presented a video clip for her new song " Haza A'am" (This Year), on Sunday, after an absence of more than a year and a half from the art scene.

She told Arabs Today that the song written by Zakaria Hadani, composed by Radwan Deiri, and the distribution of Rashid Mohammed Ali, supported by the Ministry of Culture.

It is worth mentioning that Iman  Karkibou, who was crowned the fourth session of Studio Dozem show, and participated in Arab Idol and X Factor show as well as participating in many local and international festivals.

Iman, master of tourism and hotel management, decided to continue her career by hiring a new business manager, Abdelfattah Al-Hamidi, which confirms her desire to chart her career professionally.