Soldiers march during a military parade at the Jose Marti Revolution Square in Havana, Cuba

 Hundreds of thousands of Havana residents marched through the emblematic Revolution Square Monday to mark the 58th anniversary of their socialist project and to commemorate former leader Fidel Castro.

Chaired by President Raul Castro, this civic-military parade was also dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Revolutionary Armed Forces(FAR).

A replica of the yacht Granma, which brought Fidel Castro along with 82 followers from Mexico to Cuba to start the revolution in 1956, was surrounded by schoolchildren dressed in red and white young pioneer uniforms.

The younger generations participated in the parade as a sign of continuity in the revolution and in the legacy of Fidel Castro.

Also present at the parade were surviving founders of the Cuban Revolution, despite their advanced ages.

"It's the most important day for us because we're celebrating the 58th anniversary of the Revolution. Fidel will always be remembered by the people and we'll continue supporting Raul for our entire life," Luis Domingo, an 82-year-old retired army officer, told Xinhua.

Many carried images of the former Cuban president or banners with slogans such as "Thank you Fidel", "Fidel is Cuba."

"This is the first time we celebrate the anniversary of the revolution without our Commander Fidel, but he'll always be with us. All of us are Fidel and he will be present at all times as we are the result of his struggle," assured Juana Salazar, a teacher who took her 8-year-old daughter to the parade.

"We'll never forget Fidel, he is in our hearts and the hearts of many around the world," Luisa Martinez, a Havana housewife, told Xinhua.

Many supported the message issued on behalf of the Cuban government by Jennifer Bello, president of the Federation of University Students, to continue the normalization of relations with the United States, despite the recent threats by President-elect Donald Trump to reverse this progress.

"Cuba is not going to give up one of its principles, we are a free and independent people," said Marina Gonzalez, a psychology student at the University of Havana.

The civic march was preceded by a military parade to mark the FAR's 60th birthday, during which no military equipment was featured, unlike the similar parades in 2006 and 2011.

The parade was initially scheduled for Dec. 2, but postponed due to the death of Fidel Castro on Nov. 25 and the nine-day national mourning.

source: Xinhua