The Court of Cassation

The Court of Cassation on Wednesday announced the reasons for its ruling upholding the death sentence against terrorist Adel Habbara and jail terms against 15 other terrorists over charges of killing 25 central security soldiers in August 2013 in Rafah.

The court indicated that Habbara admitted the authenticity of contents of recorded phone calls during which he, and a terrorist cell he formed, paid allegiance to the so-called Islamic State in Iraq, aka Daesh terrorist group. He admitted that the cell he was leading was seeking to commit acts of terrorism against the Egyptian Armed Forces and civil police.

These calls also included his confession that he killed the 25 soldiers. He also confessed to Brigadier Hisham Darwish of the Sinai Security Directorate Criminal Investigation Department that he received instructions from terrorist Mohamed Zawahry to mastermind and implement terrorist operations in North Sinai, added the court.

His confessions included also formation of armed groups operating in North Sinai and that he coordinated efforts with other terrorist organizations such as the Palestinian Jaishul Islam (The Army of Islam) and Ansar Jundullah (Supporters of God's Soldiers) and Aknaf Beit al Makdes (Environs of Beit al Makdes).

The court pointed out that its ruling was also based on testimonies of nine officers of the national security agency and others from Sinai security directorate together with five soldiers of the central security sector in North Sinai. The court also added that its ruling was based on reports of medical examinations of the victims and the criminal lab reports.

Source: MENA