Kuwait hopes the three forthcoming summits due in the Saudi capital of Riyadh

Deputy Foreign Minister of Kuwait Khaled Al-Jarallah on Monday said that Kuwait hopes the three forthcoming summits due in the Saudi capital of Riyadh next week would help in the fight against terrorism, the state Kuwait News Agency, Kuna, reported.
Al-Jarallah made the statement to the press on the sidelines of the opening session of a symposium organised at the Saud Al-Nasser Al-Sabah Diplomatic Institute under the theme "evolution of women rights in the State of Kuwait.
The first summit will be held between Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the visiting US President Donald Trump. A second one will follow for Trump and the six members states of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, GCC, coinciding with the bi-annual consultative meeting of the bloc's leaders.
A third one will bring together Trump and the heads of state and leaders from Arab and the member states of the Islamic Alliance to Combat Terrorism.
Al-Jarallah said that the US President's visit to the Kingdom is "historic, " adding that the US-GCC summit reflects the interaction of the bloc's member states with allies to face the "abnormal conditions in the region."
Referring to the GCC leaders' consultative meeting, the senior diplomat said that it "manifests vitality of the member states," pointing to "developments that prompt coordination and consultation."
A major topic on the agenda will be the deteriorating security conditions in the region, especially the tragic ones in Yemen, Syria and Iraq.
On the recent visit by the Egyptian President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi to Kuwait, Al-Jarallah said it was a chance for consultation and coordination.
He said that bilateral relations are historical and deep-rooted, noting that Egypt is the cornerstone of the Arab World. Mahmoud

Source: WAM