PM of Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz

Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, on Wednesday said that Pakistan was committed to eradicating the deadly Polio virus and would fulfill all its international obligations in this regard, according to an official press release.
The premier -- while addressing the Steering Committee on polio eradication -- expressed his resolve to defeat polio and vowed to make Pakistan polio-free in six months. He said that any negligence in this regard should be considered a crime against future generations. He met with chief ministers of Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces in this regard and urged them to utilize all resources for eradicating polio in their respective provinces.
PM Nawaz said that Pakistan has faced many problems in the anti-polio drive as the militants have targeted health workers, adding that the federal government, armed forces and civil society stand united in the country's fight against polio. In his address, he said that Pakistan shares the international community's concerns on polio, but that the world should also understand the issues faced by the country. "We face challenges like inaccessibility, terrorism and misconceptions in tribal areas about the campaign," he added.
Source: KUNA