Coach Al-Hussein Amouta

Coach of Moroccan football Wydad Casablanca team Al-Hussein Amouta expressed his pleasure for his team’s qualification for the coming round of Moroccan Cup at the expense of Kawakeb football team. He stressed the importance of such a victory, as it comes with the beginning of the new season.

He added that the team prepared well for the match, expressing his appreciation to the players of the team who were keen to exert their efforts to meet the expectations of their fans in all over the country. He stressed that the players aspire to win the cup as it would be important step to pave the way for the coming championships in which the team will participate this season.

He added that his team aspires to win the Moroccan league for the new season, saying that they work seriously to satisfy the board of the team which expressed its full confidence in the players and their coaching staff.

He added, in a statement to “Emirates Voice”, that he appreciates the performance of the players during the recent match, saying that they managed to achieve important win against Kawkab of Marrakesh in the framework of the Moroccan Premier League.

He added that the players performed well during the match and proved their efficiency during the last round of the Moroccan league, stressing that he intends to provide an opportunity to those players during the coming matches in the CAF Champions League.