Egyptian striker Mahmoud Kahraba

Egyptian striker Mahmoud Kahraba praised the role performed by his team Zamalek to push him forward in his career, expressing his appreciation to the team’s board for allowing him take the experience to play with Saudi football team of Itihad Jeddah. He added that he prepared currently for the coming match of Egypt’s national team against Tunisia in the framework of qualifying round of African Cup of Nations scheduled to be held in 2019.
He expressed his appreciation to the role performed by Zamalek’s Chairperson Mortada Mansour, expressing his confidence that the team’s players are able to win the current CAF Champions League. He expressed his aspiration to resume his career outside Egypt, saying that he received a number of offers from a large number of Arab teams. He expressed his respect to the decision taken by Zamalek’s board.
He added that he will continue with the Saudi team until June, saying that he contacts with the team’s board to take the final decision whether to continue with the team during the coming season or not. He added that he gives priority to the Saudi team, expressing his aspiration to continue with them.
He praised the board of the Saudi team, saying that they exert increasing efforts to push forward the team during the different tournaments on local and continental sides. He underlined the difficulty of the matches during the coming season, saying that the players are keen to meet the expectations of their fans.
The Egyptian player managed to perform a major role with the Saudi team to win the local cup, as he scored during the final match against the Saudi team of Al Nasr. He also scored 16 goals during the Saudi league this season.