Chairperson of Moroccan Wadi Zam football team Ameen Nawara

Chairperson of Moroccan Wadi Zam football team Ameen Nawara expressed his pleasure for their qualification for the Moroccan Premier League, saying that they currently work to sign with a number of players to keep their position in the Moroccan league during the coming period. He stressed that they do not intend to abandon any of players who participated in this achievement.
He stressed that he held a number of meetings with the team’s officials during the recent period to improve the pitch as soon as possible to be qualified for hosting the matches of Moroccan Premier League. He stressed that he works currently to improve the financial resources of the team meet the increasing demands of the team during the coming period.
He stressed that the team intends to keep Coach Mohamed Al Bakari in his position for the coming season, saying that it is considered one of the major necessities to keep the structure of the football team during the coming period and to keep its position in the Moroccan Premier League.