He followed her and brushed her left shoulder all the way down.

An Asian man stood trial for brushing a young girl's left arm at the Dubai Court of First Instance on Monday. He has been charged with molestation.

The 25-year-old Pakistani, who works at a nearby laundry, admitted to following the school-going girl as she entered her building of residence in Karama, and blocked her way to the stairs before brushing her left shoulder all the way down.

"I attempted to say hi, but she misunderstood my intention," the defendant told the court on Monday.

The woman's father had told prosecutors that his daughter came to him crying. When he asked her what happened, she said the defendant followed her as she entered the building and blocked her way three times, as she tried to divert her direction to reach her apartment.

After touching her, the defendant asked her to follow him to the laundry and said he would give her money or sweets. She then rushed back to her apartment.

The girl's father said after talking to the building's watchman, he learned that another tenant had previously complained that the same man had abused one of his daughters. The building's CCTV footages were retrieved by the watchman, which showed the defendant following the girl. A ruling in the case will be pronounced on July 27.

Source: Khaleej Times