Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Dr Ahmed el-Tayyeb

Grand Imam of Al Azhar Dr Ahmed el Tayyeb has stressed that the terrorist Daesh group and all other terrorist organizations do not represent Islam and have nothing to do with it, even if they claim so.

Al Azhar plays an educational and cultural role, plus the dawa, Tayyeb said in a meeting with the deputy chairman of the Indian National Security Council Tuesday.

He made it clear that Al Azhar is keen on promoting social peace all over the world.

It exerts utmost efforts to warn youth of threats of terrorism and extremism, Tayyeb told his guest.

Terrorism has become an international phenomenon, the grand imam noted.

He touched upon steps taken to renew Islamic ideologies and sciences and confront the extremist thinking. This, Tayyeb explained, is done through upgrading school curricula and introducing new ones to correct the misconceptions about Islam.
An observatory has also been formed to follow up publications of terrorist organizations with the aim to respond to and correct any wrong views, he added.
Source: MENA