Diplomat Nabil Shaath

Palestinian high-profile diplomat Nabil Shaath warned of the repercussions of the policies adopted by the new U.S Administration, saying that the American president turns to support the Israeli extremist government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Shaath, who serves as presidential adviser for the foreign affairs, said that the Israeli decision to ratify the building of hundreds of new settlement units provides clear evidence that Trump supports the building of more settlements on the Palestinian occupied territories. He stressed the importance of international pressure on Israel to suspend its settlement policies.

Shaath warned of the new law passed by the Israeli Kenesset, saying that it aims to provide legitimacy to their policies aiming to seize the Palestinian territories and to pave the way for their annexation to Israel.

He added, in an interview with "Arabs Today", that the law has not gained the international legitimacy, as it contradicts with the UN Security Council resolutions, Geneva agreements and the International Law. He stressed that the current situation need international steps to support Palestine politically and economically in the United Nations and other international organizations.

Regarding the internal situation, the Palestinian official stressed the need for restoring the electoral democracy to pave the way for rallying the people in the political process. He stressed that the Palestinians need to form national unity government and to hold a meeting for the national council to end the Palestinian division.

He stressed that the reconciliation became a necessity to confront the Israeli policies and to rebuild the country, calling the Palestinian government to develop its relations with different Arab countries, including Saudi, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon