July 31, 2014
If you want to increase your wealth, focus on an area that has always interested you. It doesn't matter if you specialise in property, collectibles or commodities. As long as you're passionate about a particular subject, you can profit from it. You've never been materialistic, but you must admit money can be useful. Saving funds for a long distance trip will make you excited about the future. You might also decide to study with a respected instructor.
Weekly Horoscopes
You're tired of coming home to a chaotic mess. A big cleaning project will be a good use of your time and energy. Don't feel you have to do all the work yourself. Delegate tasks to relatives and roommates. If you live alone, hire a cleaning service for the heavier jobs. Be willing to part company with items you haven't used in over a year. Divide these belongings into three piles: Sell, discard and donate. Create a quiet space where you can rest, relax and dream.
You feel guilty about considering the expense before agreeing to some social arrangements. It is sensible to work out what you can and can’t afford. If you don’t have the money to join friends on a group outing or holiday, there will be cheaper alternatives. Focusing on making a romantic relationship stronger won’t cost you a penny. Sharing secrets, reading or writing love poems, listening to music and having fun together helps strengthen the bond between you.
July 2014 Horoscope
A terrible power struggle will erupt in the opening days of July; stand your ground. There's no reason you should stay tied with someone who doesn't appreciate and encourage you. If your job feels oppressive, you may decide to quit without giving any notice. This could put additional strain on your personal life around the 12th, but sometimes you need to take extreme measures when you've been pushed to the edge. The good news is that your moneymaking potential will go through the roof during the second half of July, helping you attract high paying jobs and wealthy clientele with very little effort. Maintaining a polished, sophisticated appearance is critical. Go ahead and splurge on some nice clothes and salon treatments on or around the 24th. The New Moon on the 26th is perfect for finding a job. Explore opportunities related to luxury goods or entertainment. The salary will be impressive.