May 30, 2016
People trust you to get to the heart of a difficult problem. Instead of throwing your support to those you love, you focus on what is creating difficulty. If it turns out that a good friend is wreaking havoc with a project, you'll confront them. This unprejudiced approach yields results. Nobody is willing to cause trouble at the risk of losing your friendship. Is it likely that a child is acting badly, maybe even bullying those who are weak and vulnerable? Make it clear you won't put up with this sort of thing.
Weekly Horoscopes
Your communication skills earn you the respect of your peers. You are a great team player, happy to share the credit for successes and take ownership of mistakes. As a result, the people around you are motivated and your impetus is a deciding factor in many decisions. Don't lend money to a friend. If you're dealing with someone who is down on their luck, do what you can to help them without making a song and dance about it and hopefully without them even knowing what you have done.
Romantic twists and turns will keep you alert and interested. Friends have fun ideas that will distract you. You won't always be in the place or near the person you long to be with. Something secret that's going on between you and a friend is starting to worry you. If you're keeping something important from your partner, arrange a heart to heart as you need to get it off your chest. If you're single, people keep confiding their deepest secrets to you.
May 2016 Horoscope
You'll achieve great prominence in your career throughout early May. This is also a wonderful time to run for office. Launch your campaign on the 6th, when you will have the strength of the New Moon behind you. Your hard work and accomplishments will win the respect of people from all walks of life. If you're happy with your current position, take this opportunity to improve your workspace. Thriving plants, vibrant colours and comfortable furniture will make you much more productive. Ask your superiors to make improvements during May. The Full Moon on the 21st marks an exciting turning point in your love life. You could meet someone special at a sporting event, gym or walking the dog. If you're already in a relationship, schedule a fun trip with your amour. Money could be tight in late May; cut back on household expenses. Stretch resources as far as they will go. Prepare meals instead of eating out