Designed with the consumer in mind, LG claims its refrigerators bring energy efficiency and convenience to a whole new level.

LG Electronics (LG) is showing off its latest range of refrigerator models equipped with the “revolutionary” Dual Door-in-Door feature and the inverter linear compressor (ILC).
Designed with the consumer in mind, LG claims its refrigerators bring energy efficiency and convenience to a whole new level.
LG’s new four-door refrigerator has two independent Door-in-Door compartments, giving the “ultimate in convenience — better organization and easy access — while maximizing conservation of cold air.”
The right Door-in-Door is accessible from the outside with a simple push of a button and is also accessible from the inside, making it easy to load with often-used items like snacks, drinks and lunches.
The left Door-in-Door provides additional easy access storage space via a trigger on the bottom of the door. This new model is expected to be ENERGY STAR certified.
By utilizing LG’s innovative Door-in-Door feature without opening the entire refrigerator, cold air loss is reduced by up to 47.3 percent and food stays fresher for longer.
By generating less internal friction and offering more precise cooling control, LG’s proprietary ILC helps ensure lower energy consumption and lower noise levels. “The 10-year warranty on the inverter linear compressor is also compelling,” LG stated.
LG’s new generation Hygiene Fresh air purification system utilizes multi-layer filters and an exclusive fan to help remove bacteria, virus, spores and odors from the fridge’s interior.
Expertly crafted, the new four-door refrigerator also features contour processed, tempered glass that has been applied over curved glass.
“We’re delighted to be introducing our latest fridges for 2015,” said Seong-jin Jo, president and CEO of the LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company.
“Packed with cutting-edge technologies and features, including the innovative Dual Door-in-Door refrigerator, LG’s outstanding refrigerators make life in the kitchen so much better. LG’s commitment to creating better homes through innovative, convenient products is on clear display,” he added.

Source: Arab News