Palestinian and Jordanian businesspeople launched late Sunday the Palestinian-Jordanian Business Forum to boost trade and enhance cooperation. The forum aims to encourage holding joint exhibitions and participating in fairs, as well as implementing joint investments and projects in different sectors. “There are challenges facing the Jordanian and Palestinian economies and there is a need for positive interaction and cooperation to reduce the negative impact and overcome these challenges,” Talal Al Bau, head of the forum’s administrative commission, said at the launch of the forum. Highlighting the importance of the forum in building partnerships between Jordanian and Palestinian businesspeople, Bau stressed that Jordan is the gate for Palestine to global and regional markets. “The Zionist entity is destroying the Palestinian economy and we, as businesspeople from both sides, are required to unite our efforts and work together to overcome these challenges and boost the Jordanian and the Palestinian economies,” said Bau. Participants during the event emphasised that the launch of the forum will enable investors to look into joint deals and projects and cooperate in taking part in regional schemes. Senator Talal Abu Ghazaleh underlined the significance of the forum, calling for collaboration between businesspeople from the two sides. The forum seeks to provide technical consultations, training courses and hold workshops for businesspeople from the two sides to boost cooperation and economic performance aiming as well at building ties between Jordanian and Palestinian businesspeople and their counterparts in the region. It also seeks to preserve the food and economic security through effective and genuine economic programmes and trade exchange between the two countries, according to a statement by the forum, which indicated that it also seeks to familiarise businesspeople from the two sides with economic and commercial law and protecting and defending the rights of businesspeople.