Displaced Iraqis who fled from homes during a battle between Iraqi forces and Daesh militants

 Iraqi forces said on Tuesday that they recaptured Mosul’s train station, once one of the country’s main rail hubs and the latest in a series of key sites retaken from jihadists.

The forces launched a major push last month to oust Daesh from west Mosul, taking back a series of neighbourhoods as well as sites including the city’s airport, the Mosul museum and the provincial government headquarters.

Some, including the museum, which was vandalised by Daesh, have been heavily damaged, and it will likely be a long time before trains again ply the rails to and from Mosul.

But retaking the sites is a symbolic victory for Iraqi forces and also brings them closer to fully recapturing west Mosul, though tough fighting remains ahead.

Lieutenant-General Raed Shakir Jawdat, the commander of the federal police, said that his forces have retaken the train station as well as a nearby bus station, both of which are located southwest of Mosul’s Old City

The station was the “main corridor from the north to the south and carries goods from Turkey and Syria to Baghdad and Basra”, Salam Jabr Saloom, the director-general of Iraq’s state-owned railway company, told AFP.

Because of its importance, the station was “exposed to many terrorist attacks before the entry of Daesh”, Saloom said.

The station was built in the 1940s, and was “very important from a trade standpoint,” as it was a “launch point for trains carrying goods to Syria and Turkey and back”, railway company spokesman Abdul Sattar Mohsin told AFP.

“But it stopped after the Daesh attack on Mosul,” Mohsin said, referring to a Daesh offensive that overran the city and swathes of other territory north and west of Baghdad in 2014.

Trains once carried passengers to and from Mosul as well, but have not done so since the overthrow of Saddam Hussain’s regime by US-led forces in 2003, he said.

Prison conditions

Iraqi forces are operating on the edge of the Old City, a warren of narrow streets and closely spaced buildings where hundreds of thousands of people may still reside.

The area, in which they will have to advance on foot when armoured vehicles cannot enter the small streets, could see some of the toughest fighting of the Mosul campaign.

Tens of thousands of people have streamed out of west Mosul to camps around the city since the battle for the area began.

Security forces are searching for jihadists trying to sneak out of the city among civilians, and according to Human Rights Watch, are holding more than 1,200 men and boys suspected of Daesh ties in “horrendous conditions” at sites south of Mosul.

“The Iraqi interior ministry is holding at least 1,269 detainees, including boys as young as 13, without charge in horrendous conditions and with limited access to medical care at ... makeshift prisons,” HRW said in a report.

“At least four prisoners have died, in cases that appear to be linked to lack of proper medical care and poor conditions and two prisoners’ legs have been amputated, apparently because of lack of treatment for treatable wounds,” the watchdog said.

The facilities are located in Qayyarah and Hamam Al Alil, said HRW, which visited some of them earlier this month.

The rights group said that the makeshift prisons were under the authority of the interior ministry intelligence service, which is interrogating people handed over by security forces fighting Daesh.

Iraq was under heavy pressure to improve its procedures for the Mosul operation after people reported torture and other abuses during screening of those who fled Fallujah, which Baghdad’s forces retook from Daesh last year.

While changes do seem to have been made, the HRW allegations indicate that significant problems remain with screening procedures — problems that breed anger and resentment that drives more people into the arms of militants.

source : gulfnews